Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Some of the people with supernatural power: 1) Stephen wiltshire
              2) wim Hof
the human camera 📷 :
                 British man Stephen wiltshire was born in 1974, and has the gift of drawing landscape from memory after just seeing it once. His work has gained worldwide attention and he was even invited to be a member of the order of the British empire.                     Wiltshire will frequently take helicopter rides and then draw the landscape that he saw with accuracy and with immense details. He has a permanent gallery in London, and is considered a prodigy by numerous neurologists

The ice man:
                 Wim Hof is a Dutch man who has the extraordinary ability to withstand extreme cold he holds over 20 world records including one for the longest ICE birth which was over an hour and thirteen minutes he climbed mount Kilimanjaro in nothing but his shorts along with attempting to climb mount Everest in short as well .Before a foot injury prevented him from reaching the top his internal temperature has been tested during and after his ice baths and his internal body temperature never changes.
                                 Swetha R