First and fore most there are people those who dont believe in super natural power in human.but there are some people in this world those who have these power by birth.These powers are given to them by god but there are also some people in this world those who do develope powers within them self.There are many powers in each Humans like a person with these power is able to know about a person' future just by seeing him. There are lots of powers in human....the meaning of super is that it cant b explained by science. Early days people thought that super natural power is something like lighting but now a days as this world is developing people are able to know whats the meaning of super powers in humans.there are some people .A person who have evil sprit is also known as a super natural person.
There are lots of people those who want to develope powers in themself they try to develope these powers in them so that they can be free in this world .people with these power do not show but can realize after seeing people .There are lots of people with different types of power they develope by focusing on there mind mediating ,people are able to lift heavy things with one hand,some predect the the future,some are able to tell what will happen next.these people get dreams or if they close there eyes there able to see everything within themself.what ever they say happenes correctly .people with these power are very lucky.but people who try to develope these powers are fake.The televison shows are always fake some people think that these are fake and no one in this world can develope these power but it is totally wrong they can develope these power are by birth and people cannot do any thing to change it.
some people are able to fly up in the air with any help just by sitting in a position they want this is also a ability to fly up.there are alot of things and powers which are yet not found
5 Types of powers i know are i will speak about them in next post:
1.Ability to fly
2.Ability to lift heavy things
3.ability to know about the future
4.ability to know about past lives
5.ability to understand things fast(brain focusing).
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