Wednesday, February 20, 2019


 The power of telepathy is a very common one, though not many people have it to it’s full extent. It is the power to read people’s minds and know their thoughts and feelings.
 Many people have only a little bit of this power and can get the general feeling of what another is thinking. Some people with this power must be touching another whom they are trying to read for their power to work, some merely have to be near the person. It seems that it is difficult to use this power with any sort of distance between people. Those who are skilled with this power can dig deeper and find things buried within a person’s mind others can only know what the person is presently thinking.
These people get overwhelmed when they are around others and tend to have constant headaches as they will catch bits and pieces of what people are thinking, especially if the people are thinking strongly.

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Teleportation is the power that has been around for ages and is making a comeback in the number of people born with this power. Any person with this ability can essentially “think” themselves anywhere they want to go, be it across the room or across the world. This power only takes a short time to master, and it can be used for the rest of a person’s life. The power is more commonly found in people with birth defects, and it seems to be a form of evolution allowing them to be able to get around. Teleportation requires a strong mind and a willingness to accept danger. There is always a chance that the teleporter can end up in the wrong place and get trapped there. There  have also been accounts of people using this power to travel through time.
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Weather control is a power that allows one to influence weather patterns. This power is generally unknown by the bearer until they hit puberty. If a person with this power becomes angry, the weather will usually reflect this causing violent storms whether they want to or not.
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